The Long Way Down - Anastasia Timina
The Long Way Down - Anastasia Timina
Silks - Advanced
Saturday 10-1130 (TH)
ONLY 1 Spot left (as of 3/27)
In this workshop, we will learn a variety of super big (and fun!) drops on silks. We will focus on drops that are both gentle to the body but still have that "wow" effect for the audience. We will be covering, wrist lock drops, slack drops, and combo drops and their respective techniques! A strong silks practice is recommended for this workshop.
Anastasia has been coaching aerial since 2016 and working as an aerialist since 2011. She approaches concepts with the help of kinesiology and apparatus theory. With a strong emphasis on technique, efficiency, and longevity of practice, Anastasia loves helping people find their aerial voice and their potential to fly.